Communicating about Rutgers

Telling the Rutgers Story

Find the answers and tools you need to effectively and accurately communicate about Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. This site contains logos, templates, messaging, guidelines, and other resources to help you tell the Rutgers story.

Universitywide Communications

Rutgers Today
Rutgers Today is an online news center and email distributed each weekday afternoon that features news from around the university. Contact us with your idea for a news story.

cover of the Great Things About Rutgers brochure

Great Things to Know about Rutgers Brochure
Packed with images, facts, and figures, this brochure conveys what makes Rutgers an academic, health, and research powerhouse. Available in print, PDF, and ebook formats.

Slide with list of Points of Pride

This is Rutgers Overview Presentation [PowerPoint] 
This photo-rich resource highlights the university’s mission, locations, leadership, facts, and distinctions. Use it all together, or choose the slides that fit your needs. PDF also available.

Learn about new Visual Identity Options
Watch this short video for details on new options that bring more flexible branding to schools, departments, programs, and other units at Rutgers.

Updated Visual Identity User Guide
The new version of the user guide has been reorganized to provide clear directions and many examples on how and when to use the system elements.

Rutgers Digital Asset Library
Watch this introductory video about the university’s new digital asset library, which contains thousands of photographs and a growing number of video assets.