Photo FAQ
Can I just download an image from a website or copy one that I see in a publication to use in my own brochure or website?
No. Using images without permission from the photographer or owner of the photographs is illegal. Copyright laws protect images in the Rutgers Digital Asset Library, Special Collections and University Archives, and any image in a Rutgers publication.
How do I get permission to use an image?
In the case of photographs in the Rutgers Digital Asset Library, you may use those images unless otherwise noted. Images and videos in the digital library are released for use in Rutgers communications only and may not be distributed or repurposed without permission. Any use for news media, commercial purposes, or paid advertising requires written permission. For questions and usage permission, contact Jane Hart, Creative Services Photo Archivist, 848-445-1920. For other images, please contact the source from which the image was obtained.
Are there other considerations if I get an image off the web?
Yes. Images on the web are low resolution and will not reproduce well in printed publications and look quite grainy if enlarged. Remember, photos on the web are protected by copyright law. There could be legal ramifications if you take an image from someone else’s site.
Does Rutgers have a license with a commercial stock photography site?
There is no universitywide license for stock photography; however, there are many general images and iconic Rutgers locations and buildings in the Rutgers Digital Asset Library that may work for your “stock” image needs.
Is original photography expensive?
Rates will depend on the project and how many photos are to be taken. You also will usually be charged for the computer time a photographer uses to download, edit, and prepare digital files for your use, equipment including lighting, an assistant, and other expenses. For Rutgers units seeking to hire a photographers, the ACE (Access to Communications (and marketing) Experts) program provides easy access to suppliers, including photographers, who have master service agreements in place with the university and have been trained on Rutgers brand standards and on the university’s communications and procurement policies.
Who owns the image I pay a photographer to take?
Photographers, by copyright law, own the images except if they are working as regular salaried employees or if they relinquish or sell their ownership rights to another party. Generally, Rutgers purchasing paperwork stipulates that Rutgers owns the images of a hired photographer; however, be sure to verify this provision of the usage rights directly with the photographer.
What is public domain?
A public domain work is a creative work that is not protected by copyright and which may be freely used by everyone at little or no charge. The reasons that the work is not protected include: (1) the term of copyright for the work has expired; (2) the author failed to satisfy statutory formalities to perfect the copyright; or (3) the work is a work of the U.S. government. Search the internet for “public domain photos” and you will find a multitude of public domain photo resources. U.S Government Photos and Images is an official federal government resource for finding public domain images from such entities as NASA, the White House, the Library of Congress, the National Park Service, and many more.